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Easy Cream Of Tomato Soup With Canned Tomatoes

    Easy Cream Of Tomato Soup With Canned Tomatoes

    Are you yearning for a serving of simple soup that is easy to prepare and bursting with flavor? This is the perfect recipe for homemade cream of soup prepared with canned tomatoes. This traditional comfort food is ideal for cozy evenings or when craving a hearty and delectable meal. In this article, we will discuss about easy cream tomato soup with canned tomatoes

    Why Choose Tomatoes In A Can?

    The use of canned tomatoes in this recipe is a practical choice. Canned tomatoes are harvested at their optimum, ensuring your soup has a robust flavor. In addition to saving time and effort, they eliminate the need to blanch, skin, and dice fresh tomatoes.


    Needed to make this creamy tomato broth are:

    • Bottled tomatoes
    • Onion
    • Garlic Butter Flour Vegetable or chicken broth Heavy cream
    • Sugar
    • Sal and poivre

    Step-By-Step Cooking Process

    1. Sauteing Aromatics

    In a saucepan with melted butter, sauté finely chopped onions and minced garlic until translucent. This aromatic base will enhance the flavor of your broth.

    2. Adding Tomatoes To A Can

    Pour in the tomatoes and their liquids from the can. As the tomatoes cook, crush them with a spoon to release their natural juices and enhance the broth’s flavor.

    3. Simmering To Perfection

    Add chicken or vegetable broth and allow the mixture to simmer. Permit the flavors to combine harmoniously while the aroma permeates the kitchen.

    4. Creating Creamy Texture

    With an immersion blender, puree the soup until smooth. If you can’t afford an immersion blender, put the soup in a standard blender in segments. Return the mixture to the kettle after blending.

    5. Enhancing Flavor With Seasonings

    To counterbalance the acidity of the tomatoes:

    1. Add a dash of sugar.
    2. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
    3. Consider adding a teaspoon of red pepper flakes for added heat.

    6. Complementing Your Tomato Soup

    Once the soup has reached the desired consistency, stir in heavy cream to create a velvety, creamy texture. Cover  the soup with a drizzle of cream, a sprinkle of fresh basil, or a fistful of croutons.

    7. Serving Suggestions

    This tomato soup combines well with a grilled cheese sandwich, creating a classic and satisfying meal combination. Serve smaller bowls as appetizers and larger containers as hearty main dishes.

    The Advantages Of Homemade Tomato Soup

    The numerous benefits of homemade tomato soup range from its nutritional value to its comfort and versatility. Here are some of the principal benefits:

    • Nutritional Value: The ability to control the quality and quantity of ingredients in homemade soups makes them a healthier alternative to store-bought varieties. Fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can be added to soup to provide a balanced combination of essential nutrients.
    • Customization: Preparing soup at home allows you to tailor it to your tastes and nutritional needs. Homemade soups are extremely adaptable, whether you’re trying to reduce sodium, increase protein content, or accommodate allergies.
    • Fresh Ingredients: You can use fresh, locally sourced ingredients when preparing your soup. Fresh vegetables, herbs, and seasonings enhance a dish’s flavor and nutritional value.
    • Lower Sodium Content: As a preservative, many store-bought soups contain elevated levels of sodium. You can control the amount of salt in the homemade soup, making it a heart-healthy option for individuals with hypertension or those wishing to reduce sodium intake.
    • Fewer Additives and Preservatives: Homemade soups avoid the artificial additives, flavors, and preservatives commonly found in packaged soups, resulting in a more natural and wholesome dining experience.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Making soup at home can be more cost-efficient than purchasing pre-made soup. You can utilize remnants or existing ingredients to reduce waste and save money.
    • Portion Control: When preparing soup at home, you can manage your caloric intake and avoid overeating by controlling the serving size.
    • Warmth and Comfort: Soup created from scratch is frequently associated with warmth and comfort. During the colder months, preparing and consuming a hot bowl of broth can be comforting and satisfying.
    • Culinary Creativity: Creating broth from scratch allows experimenting with flavors, textures, and ingredients. You can experiment with different cuisines and create distinct flavor combinations.
    • Family Bonding: Homemade soup preparation can be a family-bonding activity, bringing members together to chop vegetables, stir vessels, and share a meal. It’s an excellent opportunity for quality time and networking.
    • Reduced Food Waste: Homemade soups permit the use of leftover ingredients, reducing food waste and promoting sustainable cookery practices.
    • Portability and Meal Preparation: Homemade soups can be readily portioned and frozen for consumption at a later time. This makes them an excellent option for meal preparation and maintaining a supply of nutritious, fast meals.
    • Storing Leftovers: Refrigerate any leftover soup stored in airtight containers. When reheating soup, warm it over low heat while stirring intermittently to preserve the cream.

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